I have been a Registered Nurse since 2005. I am passionate about helping people take back control and restore their health.
I spent over 15 years in the health care industry, and I have seen the devastation of medication side-effects & poly-pharmacy. I find it so sad that even with all the advancement of medicine, people are not getting any healthier. For years I have been asking why?
It was my own chronic pain, autoimmune disease, and GI issues that sent me looking for answers. I was not willing to undergo years of medical tests and spend thousands of dollars so I could have a "diagnosis" so I could then be prescribed nasty medication to cover up my symptoms. So, I started searching for a way to take back control of. my health. My journey lead me first to PEMF therapy, then to The Wellness Way. When I first heard Dr Flynn's perspective, I was totally blown away. He was bringing words to what I had been thinking for my whole career. Just like that, I joined His Academy and became a Restorative Health Coach. It is hard to describe the change that has taken place in me. It truly is a "Awakening to Wellness". Since then I have been 'unlearning' the lies I had been sold by BigfarmA and the institutions that govern our 'sick care' system. In short, my "awakening" experience is why this business, Awakened Wellness LLC, was birthed. Awakened Wellness within individuals, has become my life mission. I so desire to help you and others undo the mess that the 'health care' system has made of you.
As a Certified Wellness Way Restorative Health Coach, I address the root cause of your problems: thoughts, toxins & trauma. I use tools such as: blood, stool, and urine testing to assess how the body is functioning. However, I do not diagnose conditions or diseases. I look at the test with a different perspective than a medical doctor. I look at the function of the body letting the body tell me where it needs support, then develop a plan to specify give the body what it needs and remove stressors so the body can heal. There is no problem too big, too little, or too far-gone: we can always create a better tomorrow when we make a decision to do health differently today.
When you remove from the body what is not of the Lords design and replace what is missing....... miracles happen. Restoration happens.