CELLCORE Biosciences

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EMF Rocks Grounding Bag

  1. Use the Grounding Bags as-is. Keep them sealed to preserve their moisture and magnetic properties that convert the polarizing waveforms of man-made EMF. 
  2. Keep them out of extreme heat for extended periods of time and avoid getting them wet. 
  3. Put one on or under your bed, at the head of your bed. When under, lean it against the leg of the bed. The closer to you, the better. The more resonance and Grounding Bags together, the bigger the healing capacity.
  4. Put one on or under your desk. When under, lean it against the leg of the desk.
  5. Compile five together on the floor to clear an entire 2,000sf home or office. Tile, wood, or cement is best. The carpet still works well. The more Grounding Bags you can compile or the more of the mass of the mine of these beneficial frequencies together, the more seamlessly they combat the polarizing effect of the man-made millimeter waves.
  6. For homes with solar, we recommend 7 Grounding Bags together and one on or under each bed.
  7. Electric cars require 7 Grounding Bags together behind the driver's seat. There are zero health books that recommend sitting on a massive battery. For those that choose to keep their electric car, follow this protocol.
  8. Upon traveling and flying in an airplane with them, you can put them in a check-in bag. When you carry them on, please take the inner brown bag out of the decorative cloth and silver static bags. X-rays cannot see through the static silver bag. Once through the x-ray, tap on the brown bag ten times before sealing it back in the static silver bag, then the decorative cloth. You do not need to take the Mini Grounding Bag crystals out of the static bag. TSA's X-ray machines are so strong that they can see through them. Note, please keep the inner brown bag hot-sealed. We have a window in the brown bag where you can see the beautiful crystals inside. 
  9. Please see the below 'Tapping Protocol' to recharge your body and flush any stuck EMF in your energy field.

Recharge Your Self Home Care

Your eyes, teeth, thymus and small intestine get de-charged from man-made EMF. Use this Applied Kinesiology technique to re-charge your body and specific areas.
Place the Grounding Bag on your lap and tap on it for 20 seconds to about 10X your energy.
Tap on the Grounding Bag with one hand for 20 seconds, while the other covers any one of the four area; eyes, teeth, thymus or small intestine. Do all areas, one at a time.
Repeat as much as needed. You cannot get enough good.

